Possible changes:

:zero: Formatting: Display all the messages in uppercase and replace the spaces with ‘**’.

:one: Advanced Display: We want to output the unique message, which contains all the values (Fuse ‘Fizz Buzz’ and ‘Happy’).

  • in->out
  • 0 ->0-Fizz Buzz-Happy or unHappy
  • 1 ->1-1-Happy or UnHappy
  • 2 ->2-2-Happy or UnHappy
  • 3 ->3-Fizz-Happy or UnHappy
  • 10->10-Buzz-Happy or unHappy
  • 15->15-Fizz Buzz-Happy or unHappy
  • 21->21-Fizz-Happy or unHappy

:two: Happy Hour: Every day, between 17h30 et 18h , the chance is higher to have Happy by 2.

:three: More profit during the rush Hours: between 8h-10h: the chance is lower to have Happy by 4.

:four: Best Client Feature: We want to add a forth message at the end: Display “FULL ODD” when the hour, minute and second are ODD or “FULL EVEN” otherwise.

:five: Synchronization problem: Use an api like http://worldtimeapi.org/api/ip to fetch the time based on the IP address.

:six: ExperiencedUsers: For the deterministic part of the game we want to interpret the whole interval [min(lastrandom, second%10], max(lastrandom,second%10)] and display the full fuzz buzz serie.


  • random= 5 second%10 =52 %10 = 2 => 2-2-Happy or UnHappy|3-Fizz-Happy or UnHappy|4-4-Happy or UnHappy|5-Buzz-Happy or UnHappy